
German Kindergarten Abuja - Statue

Valid as from 01 August 2017

1. Sponsor

The German Kindergarten is Operated by Julius Berger Nigeria PLC (JBN). The Financial Director of JBN
represents the interests of the Company.
The responsibility of the educational management of the kindergarten and the pre-school lies with the
school management of the German International School of Abuja (DSA).

2. Admission to Kindergarten

Children can Start at the kindergarten after their second birthday. Earlier entry will not be accepted. Düring
the initial familiarisation visit, a parent must be present.
The entry into the kindergarten needs the approval of the school Sponsor and the school management.

3. Pre-school

The pre-school is the educational transition period; seen as a Step from the kindergarten into the primary
school. Entry into pre-school is open to children who are five before 31st August in any given year.

4. Opening times

The kindergarten is open Mondays to Fridays, from 7.45am to 12.30pm.
At an additional cost, we offer lunch (12.30pm -l.OOpm) and afternoon care until 15.10pm.
For working parents there is the possibility to bring the children from 7.15am.

Children should be in the kindergarten before 8.15am. The pick-up time is between 12.00pm — 12.30pm.
Vacations are determined according to the German International School of Abuja (DSA).

5. Planning

Each year a school calendar is produced with details of all events and special activities; this will be issued at the Start of the school year. Changes can be made according to any special Situation.
The school Curriculum is run in line with the kindergarten concept.
At the beginning of the new kindergarten year a parents’ evening takes place. Düring this event two parental representatives are elected; the selection by a simple a majority.

6. Absenteeism

The kindergarten management should be informed in good time in the case of any planned absence of the child.
In case of any illness an absence notification is requested.
With any contagious illnesses, e.g. chicken pox, measles etc. the kindergarten must be immediately informed. The ill child may not visit the kindergarten until full recovery. A medical certificate is to be presented before recommencing.

7. School Fees

For new registrations a single fee of €225.00 is due.

The monthly kindergarten fee is €300.00 for the first child and for any sibling attending the school at the same time €210.00.

The monthly fee for the pre-school is €400.00.

This fee is to be paid, irrespective of a child not attending due to illness or leave.

If the payment is to be made in Naira, the parallel-market exchange rate will be used.


  • Lunches. 5 € per meal (monthly bill)
  • Afternoon care: 175 € per month (monthly bill)

For the daily provision of fruits and the one-time weekly morning breakfast, the money will be collected on a weekly basis and the price in naira will be determined in Cooperation with the parents.

For the duration of the holiday. the following rules applv:
No contributions will be made during full summer months (holiday month = calendar month).

At the beginning of the holiday period between the Ist and the 14th and the end of the holiday between the 15th and the last month of the month, 50% of the aforementioned rates will be charged.

Should a child remain in Germany or outside Nigeria during term time for a longer period the same rules will apply as for the holiday season.

8. Insurance coverage

The insurance coverage for children at the German School Abuja (DSA), which includes the nursery school and preschool, is regulated as follows:

A group accident insurance has been concluded for accidents at the German school Abuja. This insurance covers all personal injury and property damage resultmg from a breach of the duty of supervision or gross negligence on the part of staff or the Institution of the school itself.

This accident insurance does not cover any personal injury or damage to property which is attributable to the general risk of life which for example is covered by the municipal accident insurance in Germany.

As a result, mjuries to children during their stay at school and which are attributable to the general risk of life are not to be accounted for by the accident insurance of the school body, but by the individual health insurance. In this case, the parents are charged by the treating physician / hospital and then submit the invoice to their private health insurance Company for reimbursement.

If the health insurance requires proof that there is no further insurance from the school, this certificate can be issued.

Claims for damages shall be addressed to Julius Berger Nigeria PLC. Such a claim must include a detailed description of the accident itself and a clarifying justification of the nature and extent of the infnngement of supervision or gross negligence of the school. The recognition of the claim is the responsibility of the Insurance Company.

9. Termination

Notice to withdraw a child should be given no later than 15th of any month preceding the intended month of departure, e.g. a child wishing to leave 31st March must give notice by 15th February and will be charged up to end of March. Notice must be given by a parent or guardian.

Abuja, Mai 2017

W. Kollermann                              C. Klaus

Johanna Wolf
I will be glad to answer your questions.
Johanna Wolf


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