The daily routine is determined by planned work and open theme projects.
Perseverance, learning ability, and motivation are developed, self-learning processes are stimulated and the children’s interests are taken into account.
In pre-school, the children follow a fixed timetable. This includes guided sports activities and free movement activities, as well as music, swimming, science, and language/cognitive/emotional/social education. The content is adapted to the children’s learning pace and developmental level, and the mornings are situation-oriented and open to learning. The children can choose their activities within the framework of a weekly plan and work together with the pupils from reception and the first class in an integrative way across groups.
Festivals and celebrations in the German cycle of the year are celebrated together with the other school classes and sometimes with the kindergarten. The preschool day ends after lunch together. In the afternoon, the children can visit the Kindergarten. Cross-class or age- specific activities are planned for the afternoon.